

thNovember 2009 th

We are learning.....


We have begun working on letters. We have now learned the letters m, p, f, c, t, s, d and l. Most of the children are doing well with recognizing these letters and producing their sounds. When practicing letter recognition with your child at home, remember to work on 3-5 letters at a time until your child has mastered them.


Second Grade

We have begun our second book of the year. Our new book is about working together. Throughout this book we will continue to practice phonics skills. We will also be looking at main idea, sequencing and summarizing the stories that we are reading. Remember that reading for the reading logs can include homework if you are short on time. Try not to use this every night, but with busy schedules I understand that it can be difficult to fit in "extra" reading time.


Parent Tips

Here are her tips for sneaking learning into holidays at home:

Have your children read holiday cards when they are received in the mail, and let them write a message in outgoing cards.

· Let children read ingredients from holiday recipes while you bake together. It's a great way for them to learn measurements and temperatures.

· Set aside time for kids to "show off" their new reading skills to visiting relatives. Children love being the focus of attention, and grandparents are usually more than willing to see their progress.

· Make special holiday readings a tradition. Find a special book for Hanukkah or Christmas, and have each member of the family read from it at the same time each year.

· Even if no books make your child's wish list, make sure you give at least one as a gift, and encourage them to read it.

· Find books that focus on an interest your child has. For example if they ask for a bike, find a book on Lance Armstrong, or a children's book that includes a bicycle adventure. There are books out there to suit every interest under the sun – it just takes a little browsing.